By popular demand, we have released MORPH – a morphing wavetable oscillator with envelope modulation. There are 11 individual waves, and many more in-between waveforms. The Prologue LFO also modulates the waveform.
MORPH is now also included in the All-Oscillator pack, if you fancy pimping your Prologue to the max!

I was interested in maybe buying some of your oscs for Minilogue XD, however, I cannot find videos or sound examples for some of them. I also cannot find your address or any contact details – this seems a bit odd. I wouldn’t usually buy something without such details being made available.
Hi Steve. There are examples on YouTube (also linked from the product pages on the site) – hopefully you will find what you are looking for. Contact is via the website or facebook – we are a small company based in the UK, and with no ‘premises’ as such, we don’t actually have a registered address. Rest assured, we have many customers who would vouch for us – ask on the Prologue/MinilogueXD facebook pages if you need assurance! Hope you’re enjoying your synth! Take care, Richard, DirtBoxSynth.